Women in lab working

Our business

Aramco is a leading producer of the energy and chemicals that drive global commerce and power people to live life to the full. We’re here to deliver an uninterrupted supply of energy to a rapidly changing world.

With the global population forecast to increase by two billion over the next 25 years, we will face unprecedented challenges. Alternative energy sources, crucial as they are, will not be capable of meeting future demand alone. Even as we transition to a low emissions future, hydrocarbon-based energy sources will continue to meet the bulk of the world’s energy demands.

As the world’s largest integrated oil and gas company, we are uniquely qualified to address the climate emergency whilst keeping the lights on. Because innovation is not just our watchword – it’s integral to the way we operate.

We’ve already demonstrated the potential of technology to reduce emissions from both mobile and stationary sources. And that’s just the beginning. We’re capturing emissions and turning them into useful industrial products and manufacturing feedstocks that drive economic growth and job creation. In fact, we have one of the lowest CO2 footprints in the oil and gas industry, so we’re central to the solution.

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Our vision

Find out more about what our vision is and how we’re going to achieve it.

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