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To achieve our vision calls for significant investment in every area of our business. But to maintain our role as the world’s largest crude oil exporter, we know that the bulk of this spending will be in our upstream activities.

Join us at this exciting time and, whatever your role, our vision will make a real impact on your career.

jobs in upstream

From the Arabian Gulf to the Rub’ al-Khali, we’re maximizing the impact of our resources. Our extensive upstream investments and our expanding production infrastructure are helping us retain the trust of our customers all over the world. And with real investment in new gas plants, we’re also working toward our goal of significantly increasing our production in this area. What’s more, our exploration program has recently discovered eight new fields, the most in our history, plus our offshore wells in the Red Sea are giving us a deeper understanding of the hydrocarbon systems and potential resources in this region.

To find out how our energy can become your opportunity, explore our upstream areas below.

Northern Area Oil Operations (NAOO)

With NAOO you could be working with the very latest technologies and huge projects. NAOO operates and maintains onshore and offshore producing facilities in the northern area, including onshore and offshore gas-oil separation plants (GOSPs), platforms, wells, wet crude handling facilities, and water injection and stabilisation facilities. NAOO is also responsible for the maintenance and operations of the oil facilities located on the north eastern coastline of the Kingdom, as well as the Shaybah field to the south.

Southern Area Oil Operations (SAOO)

Operating in an area of approximately 200,000 square kilometers that includes a huge variety of different fields and platforms, Southern Area Oil Operations presents the perfect environment for anyone who wants to take their talents to the next level. SAOO produces and processes all the oil in the southern area; and also operates and maintains all the gas fields in the region, including the Ghawar field. SAOO is also responsible for operating and maintaining the largest seawater treatment and injection system in the world for reservoir pressure maintenance to support oil production.


A career in exploration at Saudi Aramco is a career at the forefront of technology and innovation. We continue to develop our Kingdom-wide exploration operations, focusing on complex onshore and offshore reservoirs and frontier areas in the Red Sea. The results speak for themselves – in 2014, our exploration program discovered eight new fields, the most in our history.

  • In 1990, the total length of our pipeline system in the Kingdom measured 12,100km. The network now extends nearly 20,000 km, roughly equal to traveling from Riyadh to New York City and back again.
  • We began using autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) to collect seismic data in shallow waters. Our plan is to cut seismic acquisition costs by 50% and acquisition time by a factor of four, while improving subsurface image fidelity and accuracy at the same time.
  • We launched the new Exploration Explorer System in 2014. It gives our exploration support people all the information they need at their fingertips – resources, types, volumes, locations and depths – saving time, effort and resources.

Unconventional Gas

Unconventional gas has transformed the petroleum industry landscape. And, with significant investment, our own unconventional gas program has really gained momentum – helping us assess, develop, and produce gas from shale and tight sand formations.

This is your opportunity to join a global leader in the energy industry, where your career can be as diverse as the assets we are exploring. Given the freedom to identify and deploy the latest technologies in over 1.2 million square kilometers of frontier basins, you will be working with source rocks and tight reservoirs associated with the largest oil and gas fields in the world. Make an impact and be part of one of many multidisciplinary teams that include skilled personnel from all aspects of the exploration business, from drilling through completions to geophysics and geology.

In addition to solving the day to day challenges of exploring and developing unconventional reservoirs, you will have the chance to collaborate with leading scientists in Saudi Aramco’s Advanced Research Center – carrying out groundbreaking research and development.

Red Sea Exploration

Our Red Sea Exploration Department is relatively new, and is now moving into exciting new frontier areas in the Red Sea. The goal is to provide new hydrocarbon resources to help power the planet. The Red Sea is an area where your skills in pre-salt imaging and mapping, along with specialized expertise in salt tectonics, extensional rift tectonics, or deepwater operations, can make a difference.

This is your opportunity to get in on the ground level of an underexplored basin and help set exploration strategies, prove new technologies, and establish workflows to unlock the secrets beneath the salt.

In 2014, we completed a number of offshore wells in the Red Sea giving us a deeper understanding of the hydrocarbon systems and potential resources in this region.

Drilling & Workover

Drilling operations will always be key for our business. At Saudi Aramco we’re expanding our drilling operations on a scale unprecedented in our history, both onshore and offshore, from the Arabian Gulf to the Red Sea and everything in between – plus investing in technology that will revolutionize the industry.

Join us here and you’ll be working on some of the most challenging projects in the industry. These include deep high-pressure/high-temperature wells, as well as highly complex deep and shallow wells; with both oil and gas. Our mission is to safely drill and workover high-quality oil and gas wells in a cost-effective and timely manner. To do this, we call on talented individuals from over 50 countries, whose professional skills are continually honed through in-house courses, self-development resources, sponsored graduate degree programs, and participation in professional societies and conferences.

Upstream Professional Development Centre

Our ventures into increasingly complex fields such as tight gas formations call for ever more up-to-date technologies. To make sure our people know how to use and get the best out of these we created, and invested in, our Upstream Professional Development Center (UPDC). Using state-of-the-art 3D imaging facilities, the UPDC curricula are the foundation of professional development plans for new hires and senior staff in nine disciplines: drilling, facilities engineering, geology, geophysics, petrophysics, production engineering, reservoir engineering, unconventional resources, and upstream computing.

If you join us here, you’ll be key to delivering our vision by developing the talented people we bring on board and preparing them for the future. Many of the courses have been developed in-house.

Petroleum Engineering and Development

Through improved oil exploration technologies, and our investment in the area, we’ve been able to grow our reserves in known fields, and explore new ones.

Much of our investment focuses on subsurface upstream activities research. This is carried out by a dedicated team at the Exploration and Petroleum Engineering Center’s, Advanced Research Center (EXPEC ARC). Through them, we developed GigaPOWERS™, the most advanced reservoir modeling technology in the world, capable of simulating the flow of oil, water, and gas deep underground, and helping us predict how a reservoir will behave over decades of production.

If you want to be part of a team of petroleum engineers and geoscientists working on building highly sophisticated 3D reservoir simulation computer programs, solving complex reservoir production issues, and reducing completion and decision times – this is for you.

EXPEC ARC, received the Intervention Technology Award in March 2014 for its work on the steerable access submersible.

Gas Operations

Natural gas is increasingly vital to the Kingdom to provide clean energy for domestic needs and feedstock for the value-added products that help us diversify our economy. This is why we’ve continued to expand our gas operations – intending to reach a 5B+ standard cubic feet per day (scfd) new nonassociated gas processing capacity by 2019.

As a result, we need professionals who can help deliver a best-in-class gas business that generates the greatest possible value from the Kingdom’s natural gas resources.

Everything you need to know about our hiring process.

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  • Upstream

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