Andy - Planner

Andy - Planner

Hi I’m Andy, and my role is a Planner in Engineering and Project Management. I’ve been working with Saudi Aramco for 12 years and I’m originally from Maidstone in the United Kingdom.

We work with mega-projects, they are mind blowing, enormous projects, which give you so much variety of work, totally incredible, but we build refineries, we lay pipelines, we build universities, ports; you name it, Saudi Aramco builds it.

To be successful in project management you need to be a decision maker, someone who’s really positive, someone who’s going to work within a team.

I joined as a bachelor initially but then I went onto family status, bringing my family out, my wife and my two children. I truly believe that actually working and living with other nationalities within the community has been a great asset to both my children.

We are very lucky within our community, if you can almost think of any sport we have the opportunities to play it. I have a really enjoyable social life. I play golf and that’s in the evening because we are so lucky to have a golf course, which is flood lighted.

It has been the best decision I’ve ever made to join Saudi Aramco, it’s been terrific for my family, it’s a great environment to work within and I truly recommend it to anyone.

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