Lee - Traffic Planner

Lee - Traffic Planner

My name is Lee, I’m a Traffic Planner at Saudi Aramco. I’ve been here 13 years. I’m originally from Bradford in England.

I was tasked to arrange the travel arrangements for over 100 global VIPs to attend the inauguration of the King Abdullah University of science and technology in Jeddah. This was done on a very short time frame and it was a very challenging experience but we managed to get everybody from around the world here on time, for King Abdullah to be able to inaugurate the event.

Saudi Aramco is such a large organization that the logistics part plays such a key role within and I’m very proud to be part of that organization. Surprisingly, I actually met my wife in Saudi Arabia. We were both working on single contracts and we met up at a social event. And then I found out that her family and home is actually just 20 minutes away from where I’m from in the UK. When I said I was going to go to Saudi Arabia, my friends and family were quite surprised and quite shocked at the idea, thinking that I was moving off into the desert and thought I wouldn’t be here for very long before I then returned back home again.

Once I arrived, I was really quite surprised at just everything that was here and available within the kingdom and since then the year passed and 13 years have gone by. I believe only the best people get to work for Saudi Aramco. The expectations are really very high, but in return you’ll get the professional support within work and you’ll have a great lifestyle outside of it. I really do believe it’s a great opportunity.

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