Steve - Senior Drilling Engineering Specialist

Steve - Senior Drilling Engineering Specialist

Hi, my name is Steve. I am a Senior Drilling Engineering Specialist and I am originally from Houston, Texas. I have been in Saudi Arabia for 17 years and with Saudi Aramco a year and a half now.

Saudi Aramco is like nowhere else, the sheer size and number of different operating environments found within one location makes it a truly unique professional experience. Part of our role is to introduce new technologies with the environments of extended reach drilling, deep water projects that we have coming up; i.e., Shale gas environments, deep gas multilateral systems that we’re looking at.

Having the opportunity to work with a diverse culture is very interesting and exciting. The people that we have within our department represent many different cultures and nationalities. When you think of Saudi Arabia you think of heat and high temperatures, but when I arrived in December it was raining, it was pouring down rain and it rained every day for three weeks, so I was constantly asking myself did I get off at the wrong place, or was I really in Saudi Arabia?

If you like to travel, living in Saudi Arabia is great. It gives you the opportunity to visit many countries, Africa, Asia, Europe, even within the Middle East. I’ve only been with Saudi Aramco for a year and a half but I have achieved a lot. I have been living here 17 years; we’ve had a rewarding experience both personally and professionally. It’s a good decision that we made to join. I am glad we made the choice.

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