Jun - Senior Maintenance Planner

Jun - Senior Maintenance Planner

My name is Jun; I am a Senior Maintenance Planner. I have been working at Saudi Aramco for more than 30 years now and I came from Tarlac City, north of Manila, Philippines. My role is to plan maintenance work request notifications, originating from operations, by providing all the necessary maintenance resources. Part of my role is being a mentor for young planners, and I feel proud and inspired when I see these young planners develop fully in their chosen careers. I came to Saudi Aramco not only for my own career but for the future of my family and my children. Even if I turned back the clock 34 years, my decision to come to Saudi Aramco would still be the same. I was able to provide my children a good education and able to provide them with a decent house and for that accomplishment alone I am glad. We play tennis a lot – at the Saudi Aramco tennis court you do not have to pay, the only thing is you have to pick up the balls yourself! I love it very much. If you are thinking of coming here, either as a bachelor or as a family, I would you recommend for you to come over here and see it for yourself.

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Transforming offshore transportation

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