John - General Supervisor

John - General Supervisor

My name is John, I am a General Supervisor in the Drilling Technical Department, I have been here for coming on 3 years and I come from Calgary, Canada. My role is to develop the software and technologies and applying them to our operations from the Red Sea down to the empty quarter.

Inside the Drilling Technical Department we have a bunch of specialists, PHD’s down to Bachelor of Science engineers from all different facets around the world they work on some pretty highly complex wells, and they assist all of our operations. I truly believe its world class and I’ve not witnessed the scale of this anywhere else in the world.

At Saudi Aramco we have the ability to go out and golf in the evenings, 9 holes, something I wouldn’t have been able to do in many other places in the world. Another activity that I’m passionate about is ice hockey, to be experiencing +40 or +45 degrees outside and be able to go into an ice rink that’s freezing is amazingly energising.

With the expat experience it’s given us a real international flavour of travel, the kids who are off in University one in Perth, Australia and one in New York City have been able to engage with that same international travel flair. Since joining Saudi Aramco it’s been great professionally, we’ve been very active in the community, we’ve made some life-long friends and it’s made us stronger as a family.

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