Feroz - Business Development Specialist

Feroz - Business Development Specialist

My name is Feroz and I’ve worked as a Business Development Specialist within Saudi Aramco for the last six months. I am originally from Singapore.

My role is to bring foreign companies to invest in industrial cities in Saudi Arabia, in manufacturing or in services. The key here is to develop the local industries and the way we are trying to achieve this is to bring world class energy companies into this project and then the local SMEs service these companies.

One of the first things that hits you is the sheer size of the company; you come in and you realise there are people working for so many divisions and departments that may not be directly related to oil. There are many national and international level projects that you could be involved in and the exposure is immense.

Having worked in Saudi Arabia, in Riyadh, for the last four years as a diplomat, we had made up our mind to live in Saudi Arabia, especially because the family loves it here. Like any parent, the choice of school for your children is very crucial. Our kids had actually gone to the British school for the last four years in Riyadh – and we were very pleased to see that we had a choice of two British schools here.

The work/life balance here is fantastic; it’s amazing how much real time I get to spend with my family, not only on a weekend but on weekdays as well. If you’re looking for a different life style and would like to secure your future financially there is no better place to be than here.

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