Pablo - Process Automation and Technology Consultant

Pablo - Process Automation and Technology Consultant

I am Pablo, I am a Process Automation and Technology Consultant, I have 9 years with Saudi Aramco and I come from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

My job involves providing consulting services to operations, maintenance and engineer organisations within my department. We make sure that every hydrocarbon that the company produces arrives to inside and outside customers without interruptions. Like the heart and the arteries of the body we make sure the pipelines are well maintained and are efficient to transport the hydrocarbons.

Saudi Aramco offers you a great environment of larger scale operations where you can fit and have a living role in mega projects and that’s a unique opportunity.

Well you know I have two kids, my daughter 8 years, my son 4 years, so when I go back home I play soccer with my son and then I have fun with my daughter and we read books, so we have good quality time at home. We went to Maldives in the Paradise Island and we were feeding tropical fish with my kids for 7 days, we got great family time and its just 4 hours from Saudi.

Well I think Saudi Aramco offers you larger scale operations and resources to roll through your career and at the same time gives you the opportunity to spend quality time with your family, enjoy the place and discover new horizons.

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