Wajdi - Senior Lab Scientist

Wajdi - Senior Lab Scientist

My name is Wajdi. I am a Senior Lab Scientist with the Research and Development Center in Saudi Aramco. I originally come from Jiddah, in the Western Province of Saudi Arabia, and I have been with the company for about 11 years now.

I believe my job is the best job in the world. I get paid to develop and demonstrate cost-effective solutions to strategic long-term problems that impact the company, the Kingdom's economy, the environment and natural resources.

Right after high school I joined Saudi Aramco as part of the College Continuation Program where it offered me the chance to pursue my B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering in the USA. After coming back, I joined the company and I worked in different fields and different positions: oil producing, gas processing, project management, loss prevention, risk assessment and management and currently research and development. In the next five years I intend to pursue my Ph.D. at Cornell University where I will gain competence in the area of carbon management. I also aspire to be recognized as a world expert in the area of certain emission production from both fixed and mobile sources. As demonstrated specifically with the Accelerated Transformation Program, the company is turning into much more than just an oil company to carry chemicals, renewables and other sources.

If you're looking for a place to develop personally and professionally and also get a chance to contribute to something much bigger, Saudi Aramco is the place.

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