Masaatu - Oil Demand Analyst

Masaatu - Oil Demand Analyst

My name is Masaatsu. I am an Oil Demand Analyst. I have been with Saudi Aramco over the last two years and I am originally from Tokyo, Japan.

I work for Corporate Planning and my job is to prepare analysis and forecast of global oil demand for the Global Energy Outlook group.

What inspires me the most is the quality and diversity of the people I work with every day. Our team has about 20 people – half Saudis, half non-Saudis – all are highly educated and well-trained professionals.

Our team regularly travels to different parts of the world: Beijing, Tokyo, Singapore, London, Paris, New York City and Washington DC. We meet with leading energy experts, distinguished economists and political analysts, thanks to the company’s strong relationship with them.

On weekends I teach Japanese language to a few Japanese children. It’s great fun to study with Japanese children and a great way for me to be connected with the Japanese community here.

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